Distribute Log4brains as a global NPM package

Jan 13, 2021


Thomas Vaillant

Technical Story: https://github.com/thomvaill/log4brains/issues/14#issuecomment-750154907

Context and Problem Statement

Log4brains (v1.0.0-beta.4) installation procedure is currently optimized for JS projects and looks like this:

  • Run npx init-log4brains
  • Which installs locally @log4brains/cli and @log4brains/web
  • And creates custom entries in package.json's scripts section:
    • "log4brains-preview": "log4brains-web preview"
    • "log4brains-build": "log4brains-web build"
    • "adr": "log4brains adr"

For non-JS projects, you have to install manually the packages and the npx init-log4brains script does not work.

Since Log4brains is intended for all projects, not especially JS ones, we have to make the installation procedure simpler and language-agnostic.

Decision Drivers

  • Simplicity of the installation procedure
  • Language agnostic
  • Initialization script works on any kind of project
  • Faster "getting started"

Decision Outcome

The new installation procedure is now language agnostic and will be the following:

npm install -g log4brains
log4brains init

Log4brains will be distributed as a global NPM package named log4brains, which provides a global log4brains command.

  • This global package will require the existing @log4brains/cli and @log4brains/web packages
  • init-log4brains will be renamed to @log4brains/init and required as a dependency


For a JS project, it is now impossible to pin Log4brains to a specific version. We may implement a xojs/xo-like behavior later: "the CLI will use your local install of XO when available, even when run globally."